Sunday, May 31, 2015

Seasoned with Emotion

I'm up early. After a full day of paella and wine, I should still be in bed resting. Paella hangover, anyone?  Yesterday, the mister and I competed in our first "official" competition (Paellapalooza doesn't count),  the inaugural International Paella and Wine Festival down by the bay! 50 teams competed for "Best Paella" in the region. The day was filled with old friends, new friends, wine, rice, saffron, more wine, and of course the star of the show...Paella! Although we were prepared to cook, I was not prepared for the unexpected emotions that were going to crash the party a little later on.

The day began full of EXCITEMENT as we loaded up the truck and headed to the bay. We have never competed in any sort of food competition and I had no clue what to expect.  I was SURPRISED at how calm and organized everyone was. The other teams arriving appeared to be so professional...because they were! That's when the first unexpected visitor showed up-INSECURITY! Who was I to think I could compete against professional caterers and chefs from around the region? Run, Paella Girl, Run! I didn't, not yet anyway.
After talking myself down from the ledge, it was time to get to work. Our team was really enjoying ourselves. Oh, there were a few tense moments as we disagreed (I mean discussed) seasoning and measurements. When the paella was done, we were ready to present to the judges. That's when the worst of it reared it's ugly head-TERROR! This is the part where I run! I didn't walk...I ran!  I took off and left my team to deal with the scrutiny of the judge's eye. It was as if all my being at that moment was in that rice dish. It took about 40 minutes for me to go back to our paella and accept our fate. What was that? I am still asking myself this question!

And that's when it all changed. A line started to form. There were many teams presenting and serving as well, but our line kept growing. Many commented on the subtle aromas wafting from our pan. They were asking questions about the rosemary (more on that in another post), the saffron, the rice. Most asked for our business card! When we told them we were one of the few home cooking teams, the crowd was even more impressed. Many came back for seconds. That was the BEST FEELING EVER! Our paella was the first one gone! I was overcome with PRIDE!

 Although we didn't win any "official" competition yesterday, we knew we had won our own personal contest. For this, I am proud to have been BRAVE enough to put myself out emotions, my seasoning, my paella...for all to see...and taste. 

NOTE: None of these emotions (or the paella) would have been possible without our incredible team- Team Pandemonium (Pan de moan y yum)! Gracias to my mister, Los Fitzie's, and El Sevillano!

Monday, May 25, 2015


I made the leap into the blog world! This little blog will be a place to share my enthusiasm for the iconic Spanish dish known the world over as-PAELLA. I capitalize the very word paella in order to emphasize the enormous amount of work, feelings, and opinions that come from this little Spanish palabra. The word itself means many things-a rice dish, a pan, a recipe...but more than anything, paella is a word that means the method of preparing and cooking a rice dish in the Valencian style.
Oh, there are many a "paella purist" the world over. They will tell you that paella is not paella unless it has a specific ingredient, or that it must only be cooked by a certain person, even so far as saying that it is not paella if it is not prepared in and around Valencia.
The intention of this blog is to document my family's obsession with our favorite rice dish and share our paella journey with our friends. This is our little connection to our other home in Spain.
Many paellas have already been created, damaged, tweaked, and eaten by yours truly up to this point so why not start documenting it for our family's posterity, right?

So here we go...I hope you enjoy and share in this journey either by reading, commenting, or enjoying one of the many more paellas to come!

Disclaimer: I, in no way, claim to be a paella expert. Through my obsession of Spain, Spanish cuisine and of course paella, I have developed a love affair with this beautiful rice dish. The opinions in this blog are mine and mine alone. I am neither a paella purist nor a paella novice, I am somewhere in the middle just enjoying every yummy morsel. Buen provecho!